Reach out to us at info@big-change.org
We'd love to hear from you!
Now more than ever, we need young people at the heart of steering change. It’s a really exciting time to bring young people to the highest level of our decision making at Big Change. As a young trustee you will bring us even closer to realising a world where every young person is set up to thrive in life, not just exams.
Jaiden Corfield, Youth Associate
Our trustees are volunteers who ensure that the charity is carrying out the purposes for which we were set up. As a young trustee, your role will be vital in ensuring that the Board, and the Big Change Leadership Team, listen to young people and make decisions that benefit young people. This is a key outcome for Big Change, and young people serving on the Board are essential to ensuring the organisation is held accountable by those it serves.
Our Board consists of people from public, private and charity organisations, and they meet four times a year. They attend special events where possible, and form sub-committees when required i.e. Investment Committee.
At Big Change we are unashamedly hopeful for a future in which all young people can thrive, in life not just exams. We believe in the power and potential of people – individually and collectively – to create deep and lasting change. We keep our sights on the horizon and bring together people with ideas, energy and wisdom who can show the way there.
Find and back leaders with bold ideas and projects that positively impact thousands of young people.
Listen to young people, support them and their ideas, and ensure their needs are at the centre of every project we back.
Bring together and learn with diverse experts and leaders who are working to transform education and learning, to inform our work and champion change together.
Normally the time commitment per quarter won’t be more than 10 hours. Trustee meetings are currently held weekdays from 9am – 12pm once a quarter; preparation for these and other meetings or events (internal and external) may add a few more hours per quarter. We want our opportunities to be open to as many people as possible so if these times present any problems please let us know.
Once elected, Big Change expects its trustees to commit to a two-year term. We’d also expect them to attend at least one Trustee training programme as part of their induction so that you understand the work we deliver.
Trustees serve as unpaid volunteers; however, expenses such as travel costs will be reimbursed.
If you’re inspired by our work and have the skills and experience to help us expand our impact, please send your CV (or your LinkedIn profile) and answers to the following two questions to jobs@big-change.org to express your interest in this role:
If you need clarification on any of the responsibilities or skills required for the role before applying, our CEO or Managing Director would be happy to schedule a brief phone call to answer your questions and discuss these details. Please feel free to drop us a note at jobs@big-change.org with any further questions or to request a quick call, before you send your application through. Remember, choosing where to work is as important for you as it is for us.
Big Change believes greater diversity will lead to greater results for young people, this applies to our Trustees as well. Our ambition is to bring together a group of people who bring a diversity of outlook, background, experience and expertise, which is valued and respected by all.
As Big Change’s work is focused on young people, it’s especially important that our own decision-making is informed by young people’s perspectives, which is equally valued alongside other relevant expertise.
Currently, the average age of a Trustee in England and Wales is 61, and only 1% of Trustees are between the ages of 18 and 24 despite making up 12% of the general population. As a sector, we can change this by involving young people at all levels to nurture the next generation of charity leaders. This is part of our aim in the recruitment of a young trustee.
We welcome applications irrespective of gender, disability, sexual orientation, race or religion and belief, and particularly from young people with diverse backgrounds and experiences, including those who are differently abled or have overcome challenging experiences.