Our Story
Our Story
Big Change began with a big question: ‘How can we ensure all young people are set up to thrive in life?’
Our history and milestones
Since 2012 we’ve funded more than 60 projects and built an intergenerational community, all dedicated to helping young people to thrive.
- Big Change started with a question; "How can we rethink charity and be a catalyst for change for all young people?'
- Funds raised to support projects working in prevention rather than cure.
Projects backed
- Place2Be
- Only Connect
- We went bigger with our grantmaking, supporting Frontline in their three year pilot. The grant was over 10 times that of any previous grant.
Projects backed
- Frontline
- The Key
- Grew our community of supporters through our inaugural STRIVE event, bringing 250 changemakers together, venturing from London to the top of the Matterhorn raising £750k.
- Supported our first cohort.
Projects backed
- Franklin Scholars
- Voice 21
- The Key
- We partnered with think tank Demos and further recognised the power of growth mindset.
Projects backed
- City Year
- Reclaim
- Generation Change
- Grew our STRIVE community to 280, who raised £1.5m for Big Change.
- Conducted research into Redefining Success working with young people, experts, families and youth workers to look at what thriving in life meant to them.
- We launched our first advisory boards to bring together a diverse range of expertise and experience, including our first Youth Advisory Board.
Projects backed
- Voice 21
- City Year
- Bounce Forward
- We hosted a Reimagining Education gathering of cross-sector leaders and influencers to shape a vision for supporting the next generation.
- Backed our cohort with a total £1m investment.
Projects backed
- Voice 21
- Voice Bradford
- The Communication Trust
- Institute for Teaching (now Ambition Institute)
- Plus more...
- Identified 20 global pioneers and learnt lessons from how they were supporting change, building key partnerships with other sector organisations who share our mission.
- Launched a fast track funding round, supporting four project partners with smaller but more agile grants.
Projects backed
- EasyPeasy
- The Difference
- Big Education COnversation
- Oracy
- We published our Reimagining Education Together report showcasing the change that is needed and lessons from those leading the way globally.
- Set out our 10 Big Hopes for Change.
Projects backed
- Lighthouse
- Rekindle
- The Difference
- EasyPeasy
- Plus more...
- Held our second global gathering, exploring how to transform rather than reform education systems.
- Launch Emergent Needs funding round during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Co-create A New Education Story with global partners across sectors.
Projects backed
- Tranquiliti
- EasyPeasy
- Parent Ping
- The Education Exchange
- Plus more...
- The Big Education Conversation gets 25,000 people talking about what education should really be for.
- Run a national listening exercise to understand the appetite for change in education and learning post-pandemic.
- We scope a national project focused on long term system change.
Projects backed
- Bee Well
- Gesher Trust
- Cymbrogi Futures
- Plus more...
- We led a global learning alliance of catalyst organisations and participate in the UN Transforming Education Summit.
Projects backed
- Rethinking Assessment
- Place Matters
- London Interdisciplinary School
- The New School
- Launched the Big Education Challenge, a £1 million grant for both young people and experienced innovators with bold ideas to transform education and learning.
- Provided funding and support to 15 finalists.
Projects backed
- Force of Nature
- CanTeam
- Paige Connect
- FireFly
- Potential

We realised there were so many like-minded people out there with early-stage ideas and projects that we could partner with and help them grow and we are incredibly proud of their work.
Holly Branson, Founder, Trustee, Big Change