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I am privileged to play my part in the Big Education Challenge as part of the judging panel. What excites me the most about this fund is the impact that it will have in terms of unleashing so much unrecognised talent and untapped potential through some of our most innovative young minds – talent and potential that is under-served and disregarded by current structures.
Becky Bainbridge, CEO Reclaim, Big Education Challenge Judge
At Big Change we are unashamedly hopeful for a future in which all young people can thrive in life, and our impact drives all that we do. The past four years have been a time of learning and growth, and we are ever grateful to the vision and commitment of our community of leaders, changemakers and projects we back, and the incredible support of Big Change donors, and partners. We have captured a few of the highlights in this blog, but you can read the full story in our latest impact report.
Surfaced alongside our community of leaders and global insight partners, we continue to embed this research insights in all our work
Big Change has always been about imagining and committing to a different future, with and for young people. But imagining, let alone achieving, significant and lasting change is not easy. We are all confronted by systems that are difficult to move and in them we can feel frustrated, stuck, and powerless. Yet, time and time again, we see that great things happen when we trust the experience and ideas of those closest to the problems. And that magic happens when you build connections, trust, and relationships between people and organisations to grow and learn together.
Here’s to helping make more of that magic happen.
Big Love, Caireen and Caitlin